Tandem Exchange for Learning Languages

Tandem LanguaTandem Exchangege Learning involves two native speakers of different languages getting together to improve their language skills and learn more about each other’s culture, eg.  a native French speaking student  wanting to improve their English can “pair up” with an English student who is learning French.

Once students have registered onto Tandem Exchange, they get an email request from a practise partner. The site also has an administration area so that partnerships can be managed. This project is still in early stages of development as we would like to facilitate students being able to end partnerships if there are any problems. However, students and staff seem really pleased with Tandem Exchange, which replaces a paper-based system, and it is now being used by over 100 students.

The system was programmed in asp. Photoshop and Dreamweaver were used to create the graphics and layout the pages.

Developers: Flea Palmer (design) and Jackie Palmer (coding)

Client: Christine Hathaway, Business and Language Information Service (BLIS), Plymouth Business School

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